Our Wedding Shots

3 Year Anniversary Celebration

17th September is a very special day for us. It's the day we made a decision to love and commit to each other. I'm so blessed to have found you Dear. You too, complete me. :)

I remember 17th Sept 2005, we were joined by the witnesses of the moon and the stars as we embarked on our life-changing journey together. And the following 2 years anniversaries, we had wonderful celebrations. However, this time round, it was all the more special coz we both started our day in great expectancy and went through the day's work before coming together at night. It's the year which I started working! It can also be really nice to meet after work in formal wear for a nice dinner and stroll at night. I guess we are a couple who always makes the best out of our situations and tight schedules. Our dating always works around church services and cell group meetings, Dear's classes and work, my studies (in the past & probably in future as well), our families' gatherings and some other ad-hoc programmes. Perhaps this has made us cherish our time together even more. :)

We actually went for a further study programme talk before our nice dinner at Heeren NYDC. Thank you Dear for attending that with me on our special day! Haha...It's really so nice to be able to have Dear's company on a wednesday coz he usually has class. But somehow that day he didn't have class. Hee.

Even though this picture is very dark, it shows a more accurate representation of the ambience we had there.

Here are the brighter and clearer pictures of us:

And our food!

3 Amigos (baked rice)

Boney Dog (the cheesy hot dog was delicious!)

Mudpie! - Grandma go Nuts (or something like that, man, it was indeed super nutty! filled with my favourite macademia nut goodness!)

Dear made a card for me...I love receiving cards from Dear...:)

Dear knows I love my duck, Cuecue, he even drew her as the image on the stamp =D


I love reading what Dear wrote inside the card.

You need not do very fanciful stuffs all the time, but I still love every single thing you did for me simply becoz you did unto me with all your heart and soul and love.

I totally enjoyed every single moment spent with you Dear! I love you! =)

P.S. There are numerous backdated posts to be published soon. Stay tuned. :)