Our Wedding Shots

Nike Human Race (31st Aug 2008)

Dear and me joined a run together for the 1st time! Still remember a few years ago we joined the NewPaper Big Walk together. Hee. We were part of numerous runners in 25countries in the world to run for a cause, namely the 3 charity foundations: Lance Armstrong Foundation, UN Refugee Agency and WWF. I think in Singapore alone, there were 10,000 runners. So you can imagine how crowded the run was. Haha. Somemore the route was up and down slopes, across and under bridges and between narrow walkways. This kinda 10km route is so much more strenuous as compared to a straight and wide route throughout.

Dear and me went for lunch after service before going straight to cityhall to wait for the run to start. We wanted to go to E Blackboard but it shifted so we ate at the new western food stall which took over.

Big D's Grill! Dear is Big D and I'm small d. =D

Our food...These are the specialities which I can't remember their names, Oops.

The taste is quite good. The coffeeshop is somewhere opposite TJC. I wouldn't hesitate to go back there again to eat after church. We've got a straight bus there!

We also had one of our all-time favourite dessert, cheng teng! I miss the cheng teng Dear's mum makes.

When we reached Cityhall, there were many people in the red race shirts loitering around. There were also many in the toilets waiting to change into the shirt. Haha.

Some pictures of us before the race:

And pictures of us after the race:

I really enjoyed exercising with Dear! We ran together from start to finish! Haha. Coz Dear always looks out for me. Oops. We must exercise to keep fit and healthy together! :)