Our Wedding Shots

James & Sheena's 4th Year Anniversary (17th Sep 2009)

It's been really really ages since we last updated our blog. Been really really busy and occupied with so many things. However, we never ceased to spend time with each other despite being caught up with so many different things in various parts of our lives. Alas, it's 17th of the month again, this time it's the month of Sep, which means it's the day of the year! The 4th one during our courtship. We spent some really quality, fruitful and fun time together this day. Hope Dear had a great time! Happy 4th Year Anniversary...Love you lots! Thanks for loving me. Thanks for helping me. And I will never stop to help you help me. =D Muacks!

We took leave that day and met for a nice date before going cell group meeting together at night.

Us at PS TCC for lunch.

Our food:

Happy us who love nice & pretty food!

We caught the movie "The Ugly Truth"...not too bad. Tho "The Proposal" and "Time Traveler's Wife" are nicer in my opinion. Guess Dear found this show realistic and funny. Yeah, that's why it's "The Ugly Truth". Hee.

Thereafter, we went to SMU area to take pictures with "fei feis" - sculptures of fat things by my favourite sculptor Botero. :)

Dear is sooooooooooooooooooo sporting & cute! Haha!

Dear actually said perhaps we should do another impersonation of this sculpture...so I asked him if he was gonna be the bottom...HA HA HA! Anyway it's the nicest pic of the day!

I miss the lamp-post in Venice!

I love handmade cards/letters from Dear! Esp with my dearest baby inside! CUECUE!

Hee I love Q!

And Dear loves 8!

This is a jeep we saw in this museum...the whole vehicle is made of cooking appliances...and has a lot of Christian sayings and Bible verses written on it...the top has the words "In God We Trust". Yes we trust God always! Thank God for bringing us together and keeping us close always. I look forward every moment of my life together with you Dear! Muacks!

Btw, it's also the 17th today...Happy 49th Month :)

I will try to blog about my birthday celebration soon!