Our Wedding Shots

Xiaorong & Qihua's SOT Graduation (24th Aug 2008)

OMG! This is so backdated. Well we are doing lotsa backdated entries now while blogging about more current happenings. Haha. So expect a good mix of entries! Lol...

Since I've just completed the series on my Commencement Day...I thought of commending about 2 of our CG friends who recently (not very recent in fact), graduated from the City Harvest Church School of Theology. They are none other than our very own team-mates in CG (as well!), Xiaorong & Qihua !!!

Just want to say that we are all very proud of you guys for overcoming all odds to go take up and complete Bible School! All the best for your careers henceforth! Keep going & God bless!

We did not manage to take many pictures with them on their special day as it was pretty rush during the graduation service. But nonetheless, here's a pic of them with the CG and another one of Xiaorong with some of the girls. (Courtesy of Dennis & Carol =) )

The then BIG E325 & the 2 proud graduates.

Star Xiaorong & some girls.